7th Urban Space and Social Life: Theory and Practice Conference
Deadline extended to April 30, 2016
Visit the conference website about the new developments, and submission details at:
Date: June 15-17, 2016
Location: Sanya University, Sanya, Hainan, China
Please submit the name(s) of the author(s), affiliation, title with an abstract or a panel proposal ab-stract with its papers’ abstracts to ur-banspace2016@4c5mstudio.org by April 30, 2016. All abstracts and proposals should be within 200 words.
A short 2,000 word paper should be submitted to ur-banspace2016@4c5mstudio.org before May 31, 2016, should the authors want their proceedings published by 4C5M Studio. Please direct any question to urbanspace2016@4c5mstudio.org or to Prof. Ho Hon Leung at hohon.leung@oneonta.edu. (Some sessions will provide simultaneous translation in English and Chinese).